Friday, March 23, 2007

Update on Cashless Vending

Even though the cashless payment option in vending is still relatively new, it has gained a lot of popularity. Vending machine consumers have grown accustomed to using credit or debit cards to make vending machine purchases. In the future more and more vending operators will invest in this new payment media so that they can make their vending business more profitable. As a Planet Antares vending operator, you are already aware about the benefits of installing debit and credit card readers in your vending machines. Other operators have also seen the profit potential that cashless vending possesses. You can also decide to incorporate this technology in your vending machines so that you can maximize your profits.

Recent consumer reviews have shown that Americans are now more eager than ever to cut down on their dependence on cash for small purchases. This is what makes it such a good investment for your Planet Antares vending business.

Cashless technology has increased vending machine sales tenfold. If you have a Planet Antares vending machine in a family oriented location, such as zoos or amusement parks, the vending machines will appeal to families because they would be able to make multiple vending machine purchases in one transaction. Highway rest stops are also great locations for credit card and debit card readers in vending machine. A large number of commuters and local families frequent these stops.

Numerous studies have shown that consumers spend an average of 32% more when they make their payments with credit or debit cards. At educational institutes, cashless payment options increased vending machine sales by over 30%. Entertainment venues with cashless vending machines saw an increment of 23.4% in sales. These few examples support the benefits of cashless payment in vending machines. If you are interested in having this technology in your Planet Antares vending machine, you just need to make sure that you place the vending machines in the right locations.

The people who stand to benefit from this technology are vending machine operators, vending machine manufacturers and credit card issuers. This has made them all team up. The vending industry and credit card companies are attempting to make electronic payment fees more transparent to consumers and vending operators. This is something that will encourage vending operators to install credit card readers in their vending machines. Installing a new form of payment option to vending machines will definitely encourage sales by increasing consumer convenience.


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