Thursday, August 24, 2006

New Tools Needed for Vending

Technology provides capabilities that can strengthen the Antares operator’s financial management. It just requires a large upfront investment. In other words the operator must invest more resources to gain the capabilities that will improve profitability. It will allow the Antares operator to manage better financially. This mainly includes management software.

Equipment and software are not the only areas where vending operators need to invest periodically. As products, equipment and software become more advanced, the bar also rises for the level of training period. You will need to invest in the education and development of staff as well.

Vending operators need a plan to incorporate new technology that will make them more efficient, leading to higher customer satisfaction. Even though the ability of individual operators to invest varies, you as an Antares vending operator should be able to identify the financial benchmarks that will enable you to measure the return on investment (ROI).

There has been a history of high levels of waste and shrinkage in the vending industry. This has been mainly due to weak accountability systems. As a result of this, one can safely say that most vending operators will benefit from an investment in better information management systems.

In order to gather the financial information needed, an Antares operator may need to have an employee who is trained in this area. This will probably mean that there will be need for additional investment in education. Once this information is gathered, the operator will be in a better position to partner with customers.

Antares vending operators should keep in mind that investing in the future is easier when the operator has an overall game plan. Operators will need to invest not only capital, but also time in educating themselves about the rapidly changing industry.

Vending industry specific software combines financial management with other aspects of operations which includes machine security, route accountability and marketing. Generic accounting software can help vending operators who do not yet have specific software.


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